

Artifact Hub

Three Argo CD components are installed in this stack:

The release name should be argocd. There is a mismatch between the names argocd and argo-cd, which is causing ambiguity. So we override the fullnameOverride for the Argo CD Helm Chart to argocd.

Warning: This is not a official Helm Chart

⚠️ This is a collection of Helm Charts for Argo CD components. The official Helm Chart for Argo CD is available at argoproj/argo-helm.

How to install

helm repo add jyje https://jyje.github.io/helm-charts/charts
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install \
    --namespace argocd --create-namespace \
    argocd jyje/argo-cd-stack


Parameter Description References / Overrided Values
argo-cd.* Argo CD Helm Chart values https://github.com/argoproj/argo-helm/tree/main/charts/argo-cd
argocd-apps.* Argo CD Application Set Helm Chart values https://github.com/argoproj/argo-helm/tree/main/charts/argocd-apps
argocd-image-updater.* Argo CD Image Updater Helm Chart values https://github.com/argoproj/argo-helm/tree/main/charts/argocd-image-updater
argo-cd.fullnameOverride Full name of the Argo CD Helm Chart argocd
argocd-image-updater.fullnameOverride Full name of the Argo CD Image Updater Helm Chart argocd-image-updater